Wednesday, February 25, 2009

There were 3 particular UNK events that I wanted to discuss

1. Chartwells Contract! I just really think that it is crazy that Chartwells doesn't allow donated food to be brought in on campus for special events. I understand that Chartwells wants first dibs on catoring but what about the food from area businesses that organizations are getting for free! Pizzas, Jimmy Johns, hot dogs, non pepsi products and other items are constantly being donated for campus events and Chartwells throws a fit?! Not okay!

2. Another issue that I happen to be a part of is the right for the UNK cheerleaders to be able to stunt. Stunting has been a part of cheerleading for many years and is a crucial part of the sport. It's like playing basketball without a hoop. It's impossible! Our debate is that we feel like we are beyond just yelling "GO BIG BLUE" on the sidelines. It was a hard battle between the administration at UNK and the cheerleading squad.

3. Finally, the last issue I would like to talk about is the issue of textbooks. Textbooks are rediculously priced. We all know, that now that Follets is closed there is only one place to buy our books other than online. I don't know about anyone else but when I go in to the bookstore on campus I feel as if they are ripping me off. I feel this way especially when I go to sell a book back and I can only get $4 for it or half the time we get told that they are buying new editions. Honestly, how are we to know if that's the truth or not. I just wish the bookstore would be more affordable and professors would also consider our financial situation before requiring a $140 book that we only open twice.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


When I was trying to come up with a local issue to do my editorial on, one issue that kept sticking out in newspaper after newspaper was the debate about immigration. In my previous blog post I talked about in Omaha how catholic church officials were fighting with government officials to reconsider the deportation of illegal immigrants. It's not that the officials don't agree with the fact that illegal immigration is wrong, but they're worried that innocent people who are already in our country and being deported for the wrong reasons. Worried parishioners were calling their pastors and church employees because family members were being arrested.
Another situation hit close to my home town. In West Point, Nebraska a 37 year old woman with six children and two grandchildren recently received word that she is facing being deported back to Germany. This woman hasn't even been in Germany since she was three years old. Her father is an American and her mother is now also an American citizen. This woman who faces the charges created a felon and has been in and out or rehab with a drug addiction. Granted, she has had troubles in her past and is a classified as a "criminal" but after 34 years of living the United States, why send her back to a country she's unfamiliar with.
I am totally understanding about not allowing illegal immigrants into our country but when someone has lived her for so long and has made a life here, why take that away when this is all she's known. She doesn't speak the language or know the culture. Even though she has had several opportunities to become a citizen and has put it on the back burner, I would be just as satisfied keeping her in American custody. My argument still stands that sending someone back to a country that is unknown is unethical and degrading.

Monday, February 16, 2009


OOPS! I forgot to link the issues to their homes!  The first two issues are from the Omaha World Herald and the 3rd issue is from the Lincoln Journal Star.

Nebraska Issues

1. Legalizing Immigration

In Nebraska, recently Sergio Sosa, an outreach worker for Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church in omaha, received a phone call from a panicking parish member. When the lady called she was upset because her husband had been arrested by immigrant agents. Bishop Elden Curtis and many other church officials went to the courts to delay local arrests due to immigration. The officials did commend them but were still upset about the local problem and asked over 300,000 catholics all over Nebraska to pray "for a path that legalized foreigners".  They also wanted the legislature to reconsider the ban on housing for the illegal immigrants. Pastor Zoucha also stated that he feels immigration is a blessing. 

2. Business Owner just "wanted his dog back" 

In Council Bluffs, pet shop owner, Rex Maresch had an encounter at his store with pets being stolen. In May one man tried to steal an iguana and ran down the street and Maresch ran after him and retreived the reptile. Other reptiles were also attempted to be stolen and were killed. On Sunday a man walked out of the store and the owner noticed a puppy was stolen. He went after the criminal and the man came back inside the store. Three men surrounded Maresch at the counter to try and intimidate him. After Maresch didn't back down, the man threw the puppy on the counter and ran. The police had already been called and pulled over the man who attempted to steal the designer dog.  Later the man was taken into custody and then Maresch's store was vandalized as a way of revenge. I think its terrible how people can just go into local businesses and try to create a crime, expecting to get away with it. Then when they get caught, even though they were the one doing wrong they feel they need to get back at the person that turned them in. 

3. Stimulus package could secure jobs

In Omaha it was said that 23,000 jobs could be created or saved due to a $787 economic stimulus bill that was approved by Congress. Nebraska could also expect large amounts of money to fund educational programs or infrastructure projects. Currently in Nebraska there are over 74,000 people out of work.  

Sunday, February 15, 2009


Ok! So I was doing some reading on earlier today and was doing some gossip reading on the whole Rihanna and Chris Brown drama. Singer Chris Brown allegedly beat and bruised his girlfriend Rihanna, who is also a performing artist. As I was reading all the different stories and quotes from different entertainers one struck me as kind of funny. Chris Brown's father, Clinton Brown, spoke out on Chris's behalf saying he was at home, regrouping and that he was "very remorseful". "Very Remorseful"?! I would hope that a young man who beat up his girlfriend over a text message would feel remorseful. I just think that it's crazy how celebrities have actions like these and then just expect to get out of it because usually their bail is probably pocket change for them. 

I want to wish the best for Rihanna and a smooth recovery!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Close to Home

The same man who kissed an African American woman in an "all white diner" in 1968 to show the ignorant customers and diner employees that they too should be served, is also my dad. My dad, living strong at 58 years old and also my fellow democrat, really gave me some insightful thoughts on the Obama victory. When I was talking on the phone with my dad he really opened up about what this latest presidential election meant to him. "Obama winning this election really hit close to home and was really emotional for me." It is crazy to think that my dad lived in that time when equality and integration were frowned upon. For someone to grow up in a time where African American's couldn't eat at the same restaurants, attend the same schools, or even use the same drinking fountains, and then watch President Barack Obama win the presidential election really was a life changing experience. I really respect my dad for being one of those people who stood up for what he believed in and always fought for the rights of others.

In class when we were discussing the civil rights movement and the inequality of how people were treated I knew I wanted to discuss this in my blog. From the beginning, I had strong admiration for President Obama and was happy to see this history in the making.

Here is a link

Monday, February 2, 2009

Facebook CRAZY

I was looking on MSNBC's website and was shocked to see numerous guides on facebook! What I found interesting was a guide entitled "Dumped by Facebook? 10 Etiquette Rules" As I read it, I was totally in awe in the fact that someone took the time to give advice and also set rules on how to act with a situation dealing with your ex significant other. The guide talked about the dreaded wall posts and private messages and also how creating a fake profile to get back at your ex can cost you in fines up to $40,000! Not only is MSNBC giving guides on breakups but they're also telling people how to date through facebook and providing the world with random facts about facebook. Who knew that this social network that is corrupting our nation's youth would have guides and tips on maybe meeting Mr. or Mrs. Right!

Here's the LINK!